Posts by: Greg Goodman

This article is the first of two on how to develop a Post-Pandemic Strategy and a framework for more detailed strategic options in dealing with the impact of the Cornoa-19 virus.

In the article Dr Pat McConnell identifies the key business issues that arise from the Cornona-19 Virus and provides strategy on how to […]

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Whistle Blowing

On December 23, 2019 By

The new Australian whistle blowing regime which commences on 1st January 2020 contains a number of significant changes for regulated entities. We offer a full range of Whistle Blower services, including policy, procedures, training, monitoring, reporting and incident management.

Whistle Blowing – a new regulatory landscape

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Governance Advisory Services has elected to abide by the National Privacy Principles established under the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act,  demonstrating our commitment to respecting the privacy of our clients.

Why personal information is collected?
We may collect personal information for a variety of reasons during the course of our consulting assignments or in […]

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